It presents an up-to-date list of entries and a practical approach of entries display, including an impressive range of registers: from literary to colloquial meanings, soviet and post-soviet bureaucratic, realias, popular and slang expressions.
The app confirms the unanimously recognized characteristics of this kind of new generation reference tools published by Hoepli: quality and modernity of the contents associated with a wide selection of entries accompanied by numerous examples of use and a wide and accurate choice of locutions.
The apps interface has been redesigned to provide a simpler and more intuitive experience. Each definition can be shared using the features available in the device, such as social media, e-mail, SMS, cloud. A main menu that can be activated via an icon available at the top right of the screen enables all the features of the app:
• Index search: displays in alphabetical order the headwords that match the characters typed in the search box
• Advanced search: lets you search for headwords, in the phraseology, and in full text
• Search Categories: allows you to narrow the search criteria
• Settings: allows you to choose the font size of the definitions and the language of the interface
• History: keeps a record of the searches performed
• Abbreviations: displays a table with an explanation of the abbreviations used within the definitions
• Feedback: use it to provide suggestions, and notify errors, missing entries or other comments
• Our apps: displays an updated and detailed catalog of our offer
• Privacy and Credits: view legal notices about the app
• Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod using iOS 11.x and later versions
• Check for updates online and use of the dictionary offline
• User interface in Italian, English, and Russian
• 80,000 headwords, 200,000 definitions
• Dual translations, fixed expressions, proverbs and idioms
• Words contextualization within phrases or quotations taken from russian and italian authors
• Abbreviations and acronyms linked to current affairs, science and new technology
• Systematic information about register and currency
• Division into syllables and pronunciation of every Italian and foreign entry
• Systematic indication of the sectors of use of the single meanings
• Wide repertoire of phraseology
• Clear graphic presentation and easy consultation
• In Portrait mode, ability to scroll the definitions to the right to return to the list of entries or search results
• Sharing the definitions using the features available in the device, such as social media, e-mail, SMS, etc.
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